
Firebrand of Surt

The Eddas tell us that in the Last Big Battle, the leader of the fire giants, Surt, will cast his firebrand across the sky and it will cause all the worlds to burn. Rising waters will eventually quench the fires and the surviving humans will emerge from their caves to start rebuilding in the Middle Garden. During the Cold War, we had a clear idea of what this was likely to be, but the idea went away for a while. It could be back.

The Gods are Busy

I often go to the Quiet Place and commune with Vidar Leathershod. He gives me glimpses into things that are happening or are going to happen. Some of the images take some interpretation and others are very clear. For the past several months, the images have been brief but clear. The Gods are busy.

Ship of the Dead

Humans are usually on the side of the Gods, so it seems odd that, when the Final Battle happens, there will be a ship of dead humans who sail with the enemy. It raises the question, what would cause them to change sides? The answer is fairly simple.

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