Submitted by Vidar's Gothi on Sun, 02/18/2018 - 08:50
In a recent social media group post, someone asked about a core set of beliefs in Asatru or Heathenry. They stated their experience of many different groups with different words, names, and practices and wondered if there really was anything that tied us all together. Many of the responses addressed individual but specific differences. Others worried about how a core might exclude people who had differences. When it comes down to it, the differences are not very great, and here's why.
Submitted by Vidar's Gothi on Sat, 05/20/2017 - 14:49
I often go to the Quiet Place and commune with Vidar Leathershod. He gives me glimpses into things that are happening or are going to happen. Some of the images take some interpretation and others are very clear. For the past several months, the images have been brief but clear. The Gods are busy.
Submitted by Vidar's Gothi on Sun, 12/06/2015 - 18:01
I was in my local Barnes and Noble bookstore when I heard a girl of about ten years of age ask a woman, "Where's Thor?" Since she was near the Marvel Comics toys, I assumed she wasn't asking about our Thunderer. Still, it was a nice question to hear in public. That's one of the reason I was thrilled to see the book Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer.
Submitted by Vidar's Gothi on Fri, 07/10/2015 - 22:04
When you have to explain your religion to someone unfamiliar with it, there is a temptation to say you worship the Old Gods. I have heard this plenty of times and I have used that phrasing myself. However, this may send the wrong message.