Interactions with the Environment

The Hama is intelligent and it is aware of what home is. All the things that you interact with every day start to take on some of your Hama characteristics. Your environment starts to feel more like you.

Have you ever visited the home of a pleasant person and found their home to be just a relaxing place? Maybe you've known a store of restaurant where things were just good. On the other side, have you ever been to someone's place and your instincts seemed to be screaming that you should leave immediately and get a shower. In some of these cases, was it obvious why the place had its characteristics. If not, it may just have been the spiritual energies left by the regular occupant.

The same thing happens with artifacts. If you wear a piece of jewelry almost every day of your life, the Hama takes notice. The Hama thinks of that thing as part of you (on the physical level) and extends its protections to the jewelry. That's one of the reason that some artifacts seem to have magic to them. The sword of an accomplished warrior may have the spiritual energy left behind by that warrior's Hama. Lovers exchange tokens for this reason; they are exchanging bits of their energy.

If you are aware of this, the rest of you can work with your Hama to add energy to an artifact intentionally. Be very sure of why you would want to do this, because you may be wasting energy. If you lose the item, someone else may have access to a part of you.