The New Forum

As you may have noticed, the forum is available. This is for the Asatru community to discuss and contribute as they feel. Please feel free to apply yourself.

One of the issues is that there is a login to use the forum. In the past, there have been issues when persons of other religions have flooded the contact form with whatever unpleasantness they could muster. There have also been problems with scripts from vendors also filling the contact form. It is assumed that if the forum is opened to those without accounts, the forum will be filled to the brim with unhelpful material.

The accounts are kept as safe as I can keep them. You get to pick any user name that isn't already in use. For now, I am reviewing the requests for accounts and approving them manually. If we find that this method is not serving the community well, I may make changes.

Please try to keep the forums civil. We are all in this together and should be promoting the growth of Asatru, even when we don't agree with each other.

Welcome to the Vidar's Gothi online forum.