Book Review: Runes Plain and Simple

Another Rune book caught my eye, so I bought it. The book is called Runes Plain & Simple by Kim Farnell (ISBN: 9781571747495). Having read through it, I found there are some very good things, and a few questionable. I'll explain.

The Nine Conversations

Being a gothi/gythia is a serious undertaking. There is so much to learn over a lifetime, but there are many people who want to follow that path. That is why there are so many questions about it.

Thanksgiving 2020

The cycle of the year brings us around again. The year known as 2020 has been tough for everyone across the planet. Perseverance is a noble virtue, so we go on. We do the things we need to do. We face the challenges with a frightening laugh and rend those challenges with our bare hands (being sure to sanitize afterward). There is much to be thankful for.

Civil Unrest

Stories of civil unrest fill the headlines these days. In the United States, and other places in the world, people rise up in protest. Counter protestors rise to meet them. Government forces either fight all of them or side with one of the groups. These stories make for stressful times. What is to be made of all of this.

Heathens in Pandemic

A virus sweeps through the nations of the world. Governments scramble to find a cure or vaccine. People shelter in their homes whether through caution or law. How should the Asatruar adapt to this? It is covered in the old stories.

Book Review - Odin: Ecstasy, Runes & Norse Magic

Many in the Asatru and wider pagan community will recognize Diana L. Paxson. Her new book is called Odin: Ecstasy, Runes & Norse Magic (ISBN: 9781578636105). Like her other books, this one explores the topic in a way that will be educational for all readers.

Mother Night 2019

The Winter Solstice brings with it another Yule celebration. Of course, the first night of Yule is Mother Night. People often ask who the "Mother" is in Mother Night. Like most everything else in the Asatru Heathen world, that requires some discussion.

Military Allows Asatru Beards

This article from Business Insider says the United States Army will allow an Asatru soldier to keep his beard. The article "A US soldier who worships the Norse thunder god Thor just got permission to keep his beard" by John Haltiwanger, April 26, 2018 (accessed October 27, 2019),

No Shame for Doing Your Best

The sixty-first verse of the Havamal tells us groom ourselves to the best of our ability and to not be ashamed if we do not own finery. This tells us much about self-respect and the respect we have for others. It is a good lesson for today.

No Joy in Bad Luck

The Havamal (the sayings of the High One) is one of the more important documents in the Asatru religion. It is presented as the words of a mysterious Lord of a Mead Hall (Odin) to an itinerant scop (musician/storyteller). Verse 128 (in many translations) advises us to never take joy from news about bad luck but always have joy in news about good luck. In the case of enemies, this would seem contradictory in some cases. What does this verse really mean?


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