Book Review: A Little Bit of Runes, An Introduction to Norse Divination

I found what appeared to be a cute, little book about Runes. This book is called A Little Bit of Runes, An Introduction to Norse Divination and was written by Cassandra Eason. Since I have an interest in Runes, I bought a copy for ten bucks to give it a review. It's not too bad, but there were a few unusual things.

Concerning Loki

A recent email from a site visitor asked about Loki. The visitor wanted to know how to approach this entity. Should Loki be treated like any God? Should Loki be trusted? Given that the Marvel Universe character based on Loki is popular, these are good questions. This is how I responded.

Possibility of War

I've heard many people seriously worried about the possibility of another World War. These worries occur from time to time, but seem more widespread. The future can be difficult to predict, unless you happen to be a God known as Far-Seeing.

Granite Man to Sand

I went to the Quiet Place and sat there to commune with the Silence. I thanked Vidar for the gifts He has given, but He seemed busy. I turned to leave. I felt Him call me back as if saying, "I'm not through with you." He gave me an image.

Spring 2018 - Time to Budget

Sunna brings warmth back to the Northern Hemisphere and we enter springtime. Many of us have been cooped up through the winter months and are ready to strike out on this year's adventures. It is a good time to start making plans and putting them into place. Part of that is figuring out your budget.

Core Beliefs of Heathenry

In a recent social media group post, someone asked about a core set of beliefs in Asatru or Heathenry. They stated their experience of many different groups with different words, names, and practices and wondered if there really was anything that tied us all together. Many of the responses addressed individual but specific differences. Others worried about how a core might exclude people who had differences. When it comes down to it, the differences are not very great, and here's why.

Book Review: Norse Myths & Tales

It's good to see that there are plenty of new books introducing our religion to the general populace. The more we are known, the easier it is for others to accept us without freaking out. I picked up such a book at my local shop. The title is Norse Myths & Tales and it is copyrighted 2017 from Flame Tree Publishing (ISBN: 9781786646552).

Yule 2017

Yule has come up once again. Sorry there wasn't an earlier post for the holiday; but the technical issues that prevented posting have been resolved. The important thing now, though, is the celebration of the Yule holiday.

A Time for Celebrating

In earlier days, the passing of the Winter Solstice meant that you had made it through a good bit of the winter and that spring would be on the way. The days would get longer, and warmer. For people who had to plan ahead really well just to survive the winter, that was a big deal.

Firebrand of Surt

The Eddas tell us that in the Last Big Battle, the leader of the fire giants, Surt, will cast his firebrand across the sky and it will cause all the worlds to burn. Rising waters will eventually quench the fires and the surviving humans will emerge from their caves to start rebuilding in the Middle Garden. During the Cold War, we had a clear idea of what this was likely to be, but the idea went away for a while. It could be back.

Like Hermit Crabs

I went to the quiet place and, while seeking guidance, was shown an image of a place from my teen years. I had the feeling that someone in the Asatru community would find the information useful and that I was to write about it. It's all about housing and community.

In my teen years, I lived in Arkansas. There was a group of people who lived on land a few miles away. The locals called these people Gypsies, but I was never sure of who they really were. When I first noticed them, they all lived in campers except for one family that had a mobile home.


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