

Please help by repeating this as often as you like. Feel free to adjust the pronouns to your comfort.

He stood in light and sang his words

And Wholesomeness filled his being

He stood in light and sang his words

And Wholesomeness rippled outward

He stood in light and sang his words

And Wholesomeness touched all around

He stood in light and sang his words

And the sun shone upon the unwhole

Everywhere, Wholesomeness spread

Green things grew and animals flourished

And the unwhole things were healed or dead

And all Whole things were healed and nourished

Wholesomeness resonated in the world

Balance restored and lightness resounded

And the song of wholesomeness around all swirled

And the age of balance was founded

Not All Christians are Bad

We have a long history of not getting along with Christians. Frankly, the members of that religion have earned the animosity we feel. Between treachery and open hostility over the centuries, they have sought to destroy us. However, the average Christian doesn't really understand that. Put simple, they aren't all bad.

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