What Do I Do With It When I Find It?

Just having an awareness of your other parts helps you be a healthier, more wholesome individual. The healthier you are, the more you can help others while keeping them from wearing you down. That's not all.

By being aware of your Hama and its type of energy, you can do more things to build your reserve of Hamjinga. This reserve will be available to help you in dire times. If you build enough skill, you can even gift Hamjinga to another person or thing. Imagine giving extra strength to your buddy who is going into military service or just adding a little extra to a sick pet or plant.

As mentioned above, martial artists try to build the energy so they can fight more effectively. The same applies to us. If you have to defend yourself or others, you can direct this energy to harm enemies or to deflect incoming harm. Every time you hear of someone surviving some terrible accident or attack despite all odds, that is a case where the Hama, with a large store of Hamjinga, came to call.

If you are into healing or massage, an understanding of your Hama lets you also understand the Hama of others. Once you can see where there are bad spots in the other person's Hama, you can extend yours to help fix it. You will want your Hama to be strong and wholesome for this so you don't end up taking on the damage.

A similar technique is used when being intimate with a romantic partner. Contact of the body can be pleasurable, but adding the correct contact with the Hama can add greatly to the pleasure and intimacy. This is particularly important if you are trying to conceive a child and you want to intermingle the Hama as well as the lich.