Winter Solstice

Yule 2017

Yule has come up once again. Sorry there wasn't an earlier post for the holiday; but the technical issues that prevented posting have been resolved. The important thing now, though, is the celebration of the Yule holiday.

A Time for Celebrating

In earlier days, the passing of the Winter Solstice meant that you had made it through a good bit of the winter and that spring would be on the way. The days would get longer, and warmer. For people who had to plan ahead really well just to survive the winter, that was a big deal.

Mother Night 2014

Yule supper of sausage, cheese, bread, apples, walnuts, and hazel nuts (filberts).

The winter solstice brings the start of Yule and, of course, Mother Night. This is a night to celebrate our mother Earth and the all the blessings we have received over the past year. So how does one go about doing that?

The easiest thing to do is to actually write a list of all the good stuff that has happened to you and those you care about. If you try, you can probably find quite a few pleasant events and occurrences. If you are really stumped, write down that you are still breathing and will have the chance for things to get better in the coming year.

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