
Why Do Monotheists Outnumber Us?

Over the years, one question has come up repeatedly. It may have been in conversation with other Heathens or maybe while talking to an interested outsider. In the big picture, it is a really good question. If our Gods are the real Gods, then why are there so many monotheists?
To answer this question, you have to approach from several directions at once. It is made more difficult by the fact that the cultural framing of the question is often influenced by those same monotheistic religions. That doesn't mean there isn't an answer, so here we go.
First, a little history…

What is an Evangelical Christian?

In American politics, we hear much about evangelical voters. There are always polls that site who and what these people support. My own interactions with persons using that label have suggested that they are a major threat to non-Christians. However, this article from NPR suggests that the definition of evangelical may not be so easy to work with.

Visits to Heathen Driving

A screen capture of the Google search for Heathen Driving, showing the Vidar's Gothi article next to the Christian articles.

I was rather surprised to see so many hits on the posting "Why Driving is a Heathen Issue" so I decided to look into it. The first step was to look up "heathen driving," on Google. It seems the article shows up fifth from the top, after three Christian links about "driving out heathens" and one Twitter post that doesn't seem to have anything Heathen-related at all.

Preparing for Christmas

(NOTE: This article originally appeared on the old version of this web site. This is why it suggests that Yule is about over even though it isn't at this time.)

For the Asatruar, Yule is almost over. Hopefully, you have had time to think about the coming year and maybe make some plans. I would like you to take some time to think about how you will handle next year's Christmas celebration by the Christians.

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